Advertising contracts
Month-by-month listing of ad contract space usage by clients, plus shows how much space
each has used and amount remaining on contract. Also monthly usage. PUB101 $10
Circulation/renewal response
Shows all renewal percentages and money received for all subscription offer periods,
and year comparisons, plus totals. Also gives renewal percentage by month. And, response
to various mailing pieces is charted with percentage response. As featured in Circulation
Management. PUB102 $12
Edit: Ad ratios
Type in number of ad pages and get low, medium, and high Edit:Ad ratio results for
number of total pages, number of editorial pages, and number of sigs to print. PUB103
Figure CPM changes
Instantly calculates Cost Per Thousand--and shows effect of any ad rate and/or
circulation change. PUB104 $10
Printing estimates
Just enter four figures and get multiple price options for markups of from ten to 100
percent, plus total return and net return. PUB105 $10
Publication Profit/Loss
Your option whether to set up on cash or accrual basis. Shows you every item in your
income and expense budget--calculates total income, expenses, net profit, and percentage
profit per issue and then projects profit for entire year. Ditto projects each income and
expense item for the year. PUB106
Quick-scan records ("Managing with micros")
Is an at-a-glance complete record of everything of concern to a publisher. Calculates
per issue: Advertising dollars per page, advertising dollars per ad page, printing cost
per page, printing cost per ad page. Provides annual totals and per issue averages for:
Pages, ad pages, advertising dollars per page, advertising dollars per ad page,
advertising gross, subscription gross, printing cost, printing cost per page, printing
cost per ad page, number printed, number mailed, and postage costs. Also gives cumulative
percentages: Ad pages to editorial pages, advertising gross to subscription gross, and
printing cost to total gross. As featured in Magazine Design & Production.
PUB107 $20
Subscription mailer cost
Aids in deciding which pieces are to be included in mailers based on costs. Easy to
compare different mailers. Break-even costs given. Results area tabulated, too. As
featured in Magazine Design & Production. PUB108 $12
Sales commission records
Itemizes ad space sales every month for each salesman: Customers to which sales are
made, description of sales, billing amounts, commissions (automatically calculated), dates
collected, and dates commissions paid. Calculated for you each month for every individual
salesman: Total billings for month, commission earned for month, and commission paid for
month. For each month you also get these overall figures for all salesmen: Billings for
month, commissions earned for month, and commissions paid for moth. Also provides for year
to date for each salesman: Total billings, commissions earned, and commissions paid.
Finally, gives you for the year to date these totals for all salesmen: Commissions earned
and commissions paid. PUB110 $20
PUB111 Publications special "package"
If you select all the Publications programs: Just add prices from price
sheetthen deduct 15%!
Complete free-lance records
Designed by a free-lance writer for maintaining complete records of articles, titles,
type of article, visuals included, publications to which submitted, dates sent, dates
accepted, payment dates, dates returned, amounts received, expenses, remarks.... Can sort
for many criteria, and arrange in any order, including dates sent out. PUB109 $10
How readable--and interesting--is your writing?
Adapted from the pace-setting work of Rudolf Flesch, lets you check how easy to read
your writing is and also how interesting it is to readers--in short, how readable your
writing is as compared to well-established standards. Gives you your reading ease and
human interest scores. Also provides complete tables of reading ease and human interest
itemizations and examples that enable you to realistically pinpoint how your writing
rates. PUB112 $12