Alfalfa stands*
How to practically determine when it's time to replace an old stand of alfalfa with a
new seeding. AG109 $10
Forage RFV*
Sets a standard for forage quality that anyone can use. Especially useful for those who
buy and/or sell forage. Provides objective appraisal of subjective situation. AG110 $10
Justifying indoor hay storage*
Helps you determine if investing in inside hay storage will pay off through lessened
field spoilage. AG111 $10
What hay is really worth*
Tells you much your hay is worth per ton based on your current cost of supplement and
hay protein content. AG146 $10
Can you afford to build a barn for hay storage?*
You set up to five different hay prices per ton, then note the number of tons you
annually produce, proposed cost of the barn, and estimated extra value a ton and increased
volume of hay you have to sell due to less shrinkage. You get average additional return a
year you can expect due to constructing the barn and number of years needed to pay off the
structure. AG182 $10
Evaluate hay "sense-ibly"
Heres how to judge your hay using your hands, nose, and eyes. Use this special
hay judging form as the sole evaluation of your hayor better yetin conjuction
with a chemical analysis. Provides both a classification rank and a numerical score. AG183
* Hay special "package"
AG109 Alfalfa stands, AG110 Forage RFV, AG111 Justifying indoor hay storage, AG146 What
hay is really worth, AG182 Can you afford to build a barn for hay storage?, and AG183
Evaluate hay "sense-ibly". Just add prices from price sheetthen
deduct 30%! AG147