AI breeding and technician records for dairy and beef
Pinpoints conception rates by service for up to five services and totals for different
technicians and sires. Also gives total conception rates by technician and sire
considering all breedings. Gives you an indication of sire fertility and/or technician
expertise. AG137 $16
Calculate gestation and other important dates
In addition to gestation, illustrates with a farrowing operation how a management
schedule and reminder system can be set up using a spreadsheet. AG138 $10
Use heritabilities to speed genetic improvement
Lets you determine how much a potential breeding animal will improve its offspring,
what this amounts to in dollar value, and the dollar value return during its reproductive
life. Tables provide the heritabilities of all the most common economic and conformation
traits of dairy cattle, beef cattle, swine, and sheep. AG139 $10
Determine pasture carrying capacity and stocking rate
No more guessing--Lets you precisely calculate how many head your pasture will support,
and if supplemental feed is needed how much. Covers most types of pasture, especially in
Corn Belt and Great Plains. Program is even more valuable in a drought year. AG140 $16
Provides several ways to calculate shrinkage of livestock so there are no surprises
when cattle, hogs, or lambs are sold. AG141 $10
Update Pearson Square
Computer usage modernizes the old standby for calculating rations for livestock. AG142
Pasture rotation records
Is a simplified way to not only keep posted on what group or groups of cattle you have
in what pasture or pastures, but also other vital information. For each pasture, provides
two dates to "work" cattle and date to take out. Summary at end of each pasture
grazing period gives you number of days utilized, acres per animal, average gain per head,
and average gain per day. AG155 $16
Set pasture rental rates
Plug in prices you receive for corn, hay, and/or finished cattle and read typical
pasture rental rates per animal per month, total for each animal annually, annual cost per
acre, and total cost for your herd. Also can provide suggestion based on cost of land when
used for improved, non-rotated pastures. AG176 $10